Become A Member
Benefits of Membership
We offer monthly lunch meetings featuring regionally and nationally recognized speakers, helpful information about your field, and high quality estate planning information to help our members better serve their clients and their community.
What’s Included?
The Willamette Valley Estate Planning Council provides networking and continuing education opportunities to estate planning professionals in the Mid-Willamette Valley.
Membership Categories and Additional Requirements
Professional Membership
A minimum of five out of the last eight years of estate planning experience and a minimum of five years of being certified or licensed, immediately preceding the date of application, in any one or a combination of the membership disciplines.
Associate Membership​
A minimum of two of the last five years of estate planning experience and a minimum of two years of being certified or licensed, immediately preceding the date of application, in any one or a combination of the membership disciplines.
Apply Now for your WVEPC Membership
You may complete your application and submit it digitally via email, but you must also provide us with a printed and hand-signed copy.
Membership applicants must be sponsored by a current member.